Te Ara Haumanu
Our rebuilding journey has exposed the importance that tikanga and kawa has, not only in determining how or where whare should be placed on the whenua, but also how everyone can actively participate with protecting mātauranga Māori by the transmission of knowledge to future generations.
In 2022 the Hapū Komiti, with the support of Tapu-te-Ranga Trust, resolved to hold Hapū Wananga, to consolidate learning that has emerged from the E kō project group and to further whānau understanding in whakapapa and mātauranga Māori.
This decision led to the development of Te Ara Haumanu a pilot Hapū Wānanga that was used to openly share whakapapa, tikanga and kawa of Tapu-te-Ranga Marae as taonga to be treasured and passed on to future generations.
This was a ten-day wānanga, held over two venues, for and by 76 Hapū members that came together to share mātauranga Māori in late December 2022.
Classes were designed to ignite whānau with a deeper understanding of mātauranga Māori to promote personal learning journeys and workshops were used to engage whānau and encourage Marae involvement in preparation for the Marae rebuild.
Te Hapū o Tapu-te-Ranga were able to share foundational learning with Hapū members with a goal of revitalising mātauranga Māori on Tapu-te-Ranga Marae and various ringatoi within the Hapū ran workshops to pass-on basic practical knowledge.
Fortunately, Te Hapū o Tapu-te-Ranga were able to continue Te Ara Haumanu into the 2023 year with further pilot courses.
We recognize that Te Ara Haumanu alone is not sufficient for whānau to become fully equipped in all mātauranga Māori, but it has proven to be a very successful journey with individuals now pursuing further learning in Te Ao Māori.
Te Hapū o Tapu-te-Ranga would like to express their gratitude to Manatu Taonga Ministry of Culture & Heritage and all Kaiako for their immense support in our rebuilding journey.